Friday, 28 July 2017


It's just been a year  (2015) since you were formed as a band until you produced your first album “I Have Tasted Devil's Blood” (2016). How was this year? Have you mixed well with one another at a musical level? and you have clear ideas on the musical style of your songs as they are written, and in particular this instrumental doom style?

Hello and many thanks for inviting us to give an interview!
Alex: For me, it wasn’t really clear how this whole thing would turn out. We tried a lot of different stoner/doom stuff but as we got to know each other better and better a certain style emerged.
Björn: I wasn‘t even part of the band in the first year. I just hung around with them and drank their beer. They had a lot of problems with bass players (some quit, some didn‘t fit in) and at some point they came up to me and asked if I would become their bass player. I haven‘t played bass before but it all turned out pretty well.
Andy: In The first year the three of us (Alex, Jan and myself) spent most of the time finding a fourth member on bass. Writing a full length record while doing so was a total surprise for us!
Jan: It‘s realy outstanding how well we fit together musically. That‘s why songs mostly develop from rough ideas or within jams and then everyone adds some pieces and variations.

Could you consider in the future to have a singer and if so under what conditions?

No. Under no conditions. We are thinking about vocal parts on our next release and if there should be any we will do it by ourselves. The band is complete. No need for a fifth wheel.

Alex's  (Alexander Seidel) did the artwork for the album which is very nice ! Such an image of the devil think it sends a very strong message, Do you have a true faith in the “Devil” (As far as you may believe in this definition ) or is only an aesthetic/attitudinal factor?
Are any of you Is seriously interested into the  occult and/or esoteric issues?

We are more on the occult level as on dope.
We all have a solid knowledge about that topic, but would definitely not consider ourselves „satanists“. La Vey stands next to the bible in the bookshelf. Knowledge and personal inner growth should not be limited by idealism or dogmatism. But that is just our humble opinion. The path is a different for everyone.

Have you ever heard of Selim Lemouchi?

Alex heard of him. But we just found out while answering your questions. The rest of us has never heard of him until now.

I've read that you've met at the university and that everyone is listening and have inspiration from other music genres, which ones are and why?

Alex: I listen to Dreampop and Shoegaze stuff. Mostly because of the psychedelic aspects and the massive soundwalls. I also like 80’s Postpunk and Wave because of the sterile coldness.
Björn: Punkrock - that sound is just a kick in the teeth. I also like Gangster Rap for the totally antisocial aspects and the awesome beats. 80’s Pop music is always a good inspiration for baselines for me. And then there is OM.
Andy: Progressive, Posthardcore, Postrock and New Jazz because there is a lot of stuff in these genres that I never heard before. I dig german Rap, too. Those puns in combination with sick beats just gets me.
Jan: I like Nu Metal. The combination of heavy guitars and rap is something that amazes me. I‘m also into Folk and Blues. That simple storytelling and sometimes minimalistic songwriting structures are aspects I absolutely like about it. And of course plain 70s classic rock.

How important is it for your audience to come to see live and who believes in the quality of your music to convey particular feelings?

We think it‘s important to see doom on a stage. The massiveness and apocalyptic impression combined with friends, your girl/boy and some drinks is really an experience.
Seeing something you listen to live on stage is crucial for music itself.

Is there a mutual support and collaboration with other German bands ? do you share the stage  or other initiatives?

Yes. We come from a small town, so every doom/stoner/psych band knows each other. The local scene is tiny so we help each other out as best as we can.
Kalamata got really far by now which we and all other local bands such as Natem, Willowman and Henbane really pay our respect.

Is it true that you recorded the studio album only in two days and without a click-track?
For what things it was best to record without a click, and for what cases and circumstances would you not do it again?

Yes, that is true. It was just awesome. When you are recording without a click you can capture the interpersonal aspect of playing music together much better. It‘s all more Punk, more vibes, more groove. We haven‘t decided yet how we are going to record our new stuff in the far future.
We rehearsed with click some time ago and it can really shape a song. It‘s all more on point but that‘s the purpose of a click track, obviously. Pros and cons on both sides.

The fast final part of the "Devil's” song can be considered “Black Metal ?

Of course, black metal is a source of inspiration, too!
As we progressed further and further with „I have tasted devil’s blood“ we realized that such a part needed to be in there to adjust the essence of the record and of our intentions.

The beginning of the "Blood" track is very interesting also as it develops the drum pattern afterward ...... we can expect in the future other tracks with the same menacing and disturbing dark atmosphere?

For sure! We are absolutely into Drone, Noise & Ambient stuff.
The new material on which we are working on right now will include more of those elements. We are always checking out new pedals and ways to create the atmospheric sounds that are playing in our heads.

So what is the taste of the devil's blood? :)

Bitter & nice. Addictive. Check out C.G. Jungs shadow work.

Any plans for end of 2017 beginning of 2018 ?

In 2017 we gig alot. Especially in the last third of the year. For 2018 we are planning to finish the new material that we are working on right now. Maybe go to the studio and make a record? Man, who knows.